Exploring Event Bubbling In Javascript

Exploring Event Bubbling In Javascript

Exploring Event Bubbling In Javascript


As a web developer, I often come across different events and their handling in Javascript. One such event that I recently explored is “Event Bubbling”. In this article, I will share my personal experience along with a detailed explanation of Event Bubbling and its related keywords.

What is Event Bubbling?

Event Bubbling is a phenomenon in Javascript where a single event is triggered on multiple elements in the DOM hierarchy. This means that when an event occurs on an element, it triggers the same event on all its parent elements in the DOM tree.

How does it Work?

When an event occurs on an element, it first triggers that event on the element itself. Then, it moves up the DOM tree and triggers the same event on all its parent elements until it reaches the top of the tree, which is the document object.

Example of Event Bubbling

Let’s take an example of a button inside a div element. When you click on the button, it triggers a click event. However, due to Event Bubbling, the click event is also triggered on the div element containing the button. This is because the div element is the parent of the button element in the DOM hierarchy.

List of Events in Event Bubbling

There are several events in Javascript that follow the Event Bubbling mechanism. Some of these events include click, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, keyup, and many more.

Events Table for Event Bubbling

Here is a table that summarizes the events in Event Bubbling:

Event Description
click Triggers when a mouse click occurs
mouseover Triggers when the mouse pointer is moved over an element
mouseout Triggers when the mouse pointer is moved out of an element
keydown Triggers when a keyboard key is pressed down
keyup Triggers when a keyboard key is released

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions and answers related to Event Bubbling:

Q. Can Event Bubbling be stopped?

Yes, Event Bubbling can be stopped using the event.stopPropagation() method. This method stops the event from bubbling up the DOM tree.

Q. What is the difference between Event Bubbling and Event Capturing?

Event Bubbling and Event Capturing are two mechanisms of event propagation in Javascript. Event Bubbling starts from the target element and moves up the DOM tree, whereas Event Capturing starts from the top of the DOM tree and moves down to the target element.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Event Bubbling:

Q. Is Event Bubbling supported in all browsers?

Yes, Event Bubbling is supported in all modern browsers.

Q. Can Event Bubbling cause performance issues?

Yes, if there are too many nested elements in the DOM tree, Event Bubbling can cause performance issues. It is always recommended to use event delegation instead of attaching events to each individual element.


In conclusion, Event Bubbling is a useful mechanism in Javascript that helps in handling multiple events on different elements in the DOM tree. By understanding how Event Bubbling works, you can write cleaner and more efficient code.

Deep dive into JavaScript event bubbling and capturing LogRocket Blog
Deep dive into JavaScript event bubbling and capturing LogRocket Blog from blog.logrocket.com

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