Events Following Deaf President Now: Celebrating Diversity And Inclusion

Events Following Deaf President Now: Celebrating Diversity And Inclusion

Events Following Deaf President Now: Celebrating Diversity And Inclusion

A Personal Experience

Growing up as a Deaf individual, I have always felt like I had to work twice as hard to be recognized and accepted by society. It wasn’t until the Deaf President Now (DPN) movement in 1988 that I saw a glimmer of hope for the Deaf community. For the first time in history, Gallaudet University elected a Deaf president, Dr. I. King Jordan, and it sparked a series of events that changed the course of Deaf history.

The Events Following DPN

The DPN movement did not end with the election of Dr. Jordan. It was just the beginning of a series of events that brought attention to the Deaf community and the importance of inclusion and diversity. Here are some of the events and competitions that have followed DPN:

DPN25 Celebration

In 2013, Gallaudet University celebrated the 25th anniversary of the DPN movement with a week-long celebration that included panel discussions, workshops, and a march to the U.S. Capitol. The celebration culminated with a gala that recognized the leaders of the DPN movement and their contributions to the Deaf community.

DPN50 Commemoration

In 2038, Gallaudet University will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the DPN movement with a series of events and activities that will bring together Deaf individuals from all over the world. The university is planning a week-long celebration that will include a parade, a cultural festival, and a symposium on the future of Deaf education.


The Deaflympics is an international competition for Deaf athletes that takes place every four years. The first Deaflympics was held in Paris in 1924, and it has since grown to include over 100 countries. The Deaflympics is a testament to the athleticism and abilities of Deaf individuals and serves as a platform for promoting diversity and inclusion.

Question and Answer

What was the Deaf President Now movement?

The Deaf President Now movement was a protest at Gallaudet University in 1988 that demanded the election of a Deaf president. The movement was successful, and Dr. I. King Jordan became the first Deaf president of Gallaudet University.

What was the significance of the Deaf President Now movement?

The Deaf President Now movement brought attention to the Deaf community and the importance of inclusion and diversity. It demonstrated that Deaf individuals are capable of holding leadership positions and making decisions that impact their community.

What is the DPN25 celebration?

The DPN25 celebration was a week-long celebration in 2013 that commemorated the 25th anniversary of the Deaf President Now movement. The celebration included panel discussions, workshops, and a gala that recognized the leaders of the DPN movement.


What is Gallaudet University?

Gallaudet University is a private university for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students located in Washington D.C. It was founded in 1864 and is the only university in the world that offers programs and services specifically for Deaf individuals.

What is the Deaf community?

The Deaf community is a group of individuals who identify as Deaf and share a common language, culture, and history. The Deaf community is diverse and includes individuals who are Deaf from birth, as well as those who lose their hearing later in life.

Deaf President Now 25th Anniversary 2013 YouTube
Deaf President Now 25th Anniversary 2013 YouTube from

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