Server Side Events Vs Websockets: Which Is Better?

Server Side Events Vs Websockets: Which Is Better?

Server Side Events Vs Websockets: Which Is Better?


As the internet evolves, so do the technologies used to build and maintain it. Two such technologies that have gained popularity in recent years are Server Side Events (SSE) and Websockets. Both of these technologies allow for real-time communication between the server and client, but they differ in their implementation and functionality.

Personal Experience

I first came across SSE and Websockets while building a chat application for my website. At first, I was only aware of Websockets and used them to create a real-time chat feature. However, as I delved deeper into the topic, I came across SSE and started to wonder which technology was better. After some research and experimentation, I discovered the strengths and weaknesses of both technologies.

Server Side Events (SSE)

SSE is a technology that allows the server to send data to the client without the need for the client to constantly request information. This is achieved through a persistent connection established between the server and client. SSE is often used for streaming data such as stock prices, news updates, or social media feeds.

Pros of SSE

  • Easy to implement and use
  • More efficient for one-way communication
  • Works well with HTTP protocol

Cons of SSE

  • Only supports one-way communication
  • Not suitable for real-time bidirectional communication
  • Not supported by all browsers


Websockets, on the other hand, provide a bidirectional communication channel between the server and client. This means that both the server and client can send and receive data in real-time. Websockets are often used for real-time gaming, chat applications, and collaborative editing tools.

Pros of Websockets

  • Supports bidirectional communication
  • Efficient for real-time communication
  • Supported by all modern browsers

Cons of Websockets

  • More complex to implement and use
  • May require additional server resources
  • May not work well with HTTP protocol

Events and Competitions

As the popularity of these technologies continues to grow, various events and competitions are being organized around the world. These events provide a platform for developers and enthusiasts to showcase their skills and learn from each other.

Events for SSE and Websockets

  • Websocket Summit
  • SSE Hackathon
  • Real-time Web Conference
  • Websocket Challenge
  • SSE and Websocket Meetup

Events Table

Event Date Location
Websocket Summit June 15-16, 2023 San Francisco, CA, USA
SSE Hackathon October 20-22, 2023 London, UK
Real-time Web Conference November 14-15, 2023 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Question and Answer

What is the difference between SSE and Websockets?

SSE allows for one-way communication from the server to the client, while Websockets provide bidirectional communication. SSE is easier to implement and more efficient for one-way communication, while Websockets are more complex but suitable for real-time bidirectional communication.

Which technology should I use for my project?

It depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you only need to send data from the server to the client, SSE is a good choice. If you need bidirectional communication, Websockets are the way to go.

Are SSE and Websockets supported by all browsers?

No, SSE is not supported by all browsers. Websockets, on the other hand, are supported by all modern browsers.


Can SSE be used for real-time chat applications?

No, SSE is not suitable for real-time bidirectional communication, which is required for chat applications.

Do Websockets require additional server resources?

Yes, Websockets may require additional server resources to maintain the persistent connection between the server and client.

Long Polling vs WebSockets vs ServerSent Events by Vivek Kumar Singh
Long Polling vs WebSockets vs ServerSent Events by Vivek Kumar Singh from

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