Which Story Event Best Illustrates Crusoe's Dominance?

Which Story Event Best Illustrates Crusoe's Dominance?

Which Story Event Best Illustrates Crusoe's Dominance?


Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe that tells the story of a man who is stranded on an island for many years. Throughout the novel, Crusoe demonstrates his dominance over his environment and the people around him. In this article, we will explore which story event best illustrates Crusoe’s dominance.

The Shipwreck

The shipwreck is the event that sets the stage for Crusoe’s dominance. When he is stranded on the island, he is forced to fend for himself and survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment. This event shows his resilience and determination to survive in the face of adversity.

The Building of His Shelter

After the shipwreck, Crusoe begins to build his shelter. This event shows his resourcefulness and ability to adapt to his environment. He uses the materials he has available to create a functional living space that protects him from the elements.

The Taming of the Goats

As time passes, Crusoe begins to tame the goats that live on the island. This event shows his ability to domesticate animals and bend them to his will. He uses his knowledge and experience to train the goats and make them useful to him.

The Arrival of Friday

When Friday arrives on the island, Crusoe takes him under his wing and teaches him the ways of the world. This event shows his dominance over Friday and his ability to shape the young man into his own image.

The Defeat of the Cannibals

The final event that best illustrates Crusoe’s dominance is his defeat of the cannibals who come to the island. He uses his knowledge of the island and his weapons to overpower the invaders and protect his home. This event shows his strength and bravery in the face of danger.

Events Table

Here is a table that summarizes the events that best illustrate Crusoe’s dominance: | Event | Description | | — | — | | The Shipwreck | Shows his resilience and determination | | The Building of His Shelter | Shows his resourcefulness and adaptability | | The Taming of the Goats | Shows his ability to domesticate animals | | The Arrival of Friday | Shows his ability to shape others | | The Defeat of the Cannibals | Shows his strength and bravery |


What is the main theme of Robinson Crusoe?

The main theme of Robinson Crusoe is man’s ability to survive and thrive in the face of adversity.

What is Crusoe’s greatest strength?

Crusoe’s greatest strength is his ability to adapt to his environment and make the most of the resources he has available.

How does Crusoe demonstrate his dominance?

Crusoe demonstrates his dominance through his resourcefulness, adaptability, and ability to shape the people and animals around him to his will.

Robinson crusoe story defoe art jay hyde barnum ages 510 yrs oversize
Robinson crusoe story defoe art jay hyde barnum ages 510 yrs oversize from www.pinterest.com

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